28 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba

Video Task

source video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=48CvYKzYaJg



Please classify the following sentences into different kinds of sentence; declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory. 

1- Wish me luck: 
2- ı can check that for you: 
3- What is that about? :
4- Deal! :


Please classify the following sentences into different sentence types; simple, complex, compound, complex-compund

1- We will be starting with apples:
2- She is mad because today is her laundry day and that means she is wearing her old lad
3- I believe if you check Rachel's bag, you will find a half eaten box of cookies in there: 
4- Everbody snacks when they shop: 


Please write the tense type for each sentence.

1- I am not so impressed: 
2- We will start with apples:
3- We will be starting with apples:
4- We won that one: 

Answer Key

exercise 1

1- imperative
3- interrogative
4- exlamatory

exercise 2

1- simple
2- complex-compound
3- compound
4- complex

exercise 3

1- simple present
2- simple future 
3- future progressive
4- simple past

Textual Analysis


Salt May Not Affect Heart Risks

A new study suggests that dietary salt may have little or no effect on the risk for heart disease in older adults.
The study, in JAMA Internal Medicine, included 2,642 people, average age 74. Half the participants were women, 62 percent were white and 38 percent were African-American. All were free of heart disease at the start of the study, and researchers followed them for 10 years. They used dietary questionnaires to estimate sodium intake... you can read more from this adress  http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/01/26/salt-may-not-affect-heart-risks/?ref=health&_r=0
Challenging Words
adjustto change something slightly so that it works betterfits better, or is more suitable
cardiovascular: relating to the heart and blood vessels 
This text is written to show the general misunderstanding about the relationship between the salt usage and hearth diseases. The writer gives some research results to support his ideas; therefore, tone is informative and objective. He used past tenses when explaining the experiment results but sometimes he used present tense while saying general expressions (We need more prospective evidence in a clinical trial before moving in that direction for older adults). Moreover the writer used direct quotation words to give the professor's ideas. 
     I chose this text because it breaks the general mentality that so many people have, that is why I thought that it is worth to analyse.

29 Aralık 2014 Pazartesi

exercises from book pages 168/9

Exercise 1
1- not knowing the way, I got lost several times.    ……+…….
2- after leaving the room, the telephone rang.      After I had left…
3- having lost my money, the conductor wouldn’t give me a ticket.    After I had lost my money…
4- While falling asleep, there was a loud knock at the front the door.   …..+…….
5-  by forcing open the window, I was able to get into the house.       ……+……..
6-  not wishing to be a nuisance, I left as early as I could.     Wishing not to be a nuisance…
7-  having opened the box, it turned out to be empty.     After I had opened the box…
8- though feeling tired, Helen went out clubbing with her friends.  …….+…….
9-  having asked my name, I was taken to meet the prime minister.   After s/he had asked…

Exercise 2
a-      Although feeling dizzy, Sarah managed to play on until the end of the match.
b-      Being a powerful swimmer, George reached the island in less than an hour.
c-        Without waiting for a reply, the mysterious stranger vanished into the night.
d-      It being a Friday, everyone in the office was in a good mood.
e-      While walking across the field, Rita noticed something glittering by the path.
f-       Abandoned by its owner, the old dog sat by the side of the road and howled.
g-      Though shocked by what he had seen, Martin tried to keep calm.
h-       There being no chance of escape, the two men gave themselves  up to the police.

Exercise 3
The Galapagos Islands
Located near the equator, the Galapagos Islands are a group of volcanic islands off the coast of Ecuator. Discovered by Spanish colonists in 1535, and first shown on maps in about 1570, the islands were rarely visited being a haven for pirates having developed their own specializations and escaped the attentions of predators common elsewhere, the Galapagos species had become unique and unafraid of people. Passing ships hunted seals and giant tortoises.  Once captured the tortoises were kept alive on ships for long and later eaten. After facing near extinction, few of these creatures remain today. Examined by the naturalist Charles Darwin in 1835, the islands still have a close association with Darwinian Theory, providing the home to many species isolated from the mainland. Realized later that birds which differed from the islands to islands were in fact to some species, Darwin used evidence from the Galapagos in the development of his theory of natural selection. Now regarded as part of a national park, the islands are popular with ‘’eco-tourists’’. Efforts are continuing to save their wildlife.

Exercise 4
      a-As it was a public holiday, there was a lot of traffic on the roads.
It being a public holiday, there was a lot of traffic on the roads.
b-When I opened the letter, I realized it was from Professor Alton.
On opening the letter, I realized it was from Professor Alton.
c-The palace was destroyed by fire during the war but later reconstructed.
Though the palace was destroyed by fire during the war, it was later reconstructed.
d-As Carol walked from the room, tears streamed from her eyes.
Carol walked from the room with tears streaming from her eyes.
e-I broke the camera as I tried to remove the memory card.
I broke the camera in trying to remove.
f- My hair has become soft and shining since I’ve used Glosso shampoo.
My hair has become soft and shining using Glosso shampoo.
g- Jan was taken to hospital after she was knocked down by a car.
Jan was taken to hospital being knocked down by a car.

20 Aralık 2014 Cumartesi

Reflection task 3

Hi, Everyody

     I am a jury member of the committee chosing the person of the year.My name is Ayşe Kırmızı.When looking  all of the things being accomplished successfully in this company.

 One can easily say that Neil Noro is to be the person of the year. So, he is my candidate, he deserves to be. Firstly, he is the youngest man in the company but he has also more competence than the others. Before four months ago, when we were on the verge of a crisis, when most of us thought that we would go bankrupt but Neil, he came up with different ideas, new projects and he nearly marked a new epoch for the future of our company. Except for this, he is also a very punctual. 

I have not seen even a day that he has been late or postponed something. He always welcomes our clients with a smiling face and behave in a friendly manner and this really attracts them. He is so creative and he is really good at drawing.

 He astonishes everybody with his works. By the way, he is very self-denying man. Although all the staff use their off days, Neil doesn not use and he always works for the sake of our company. I appreciate his behaviours, dignity and self-denying. So, I think that Neil is the best  and he completely deseves to be the person of the year.

Reflection task 2-b

a) This video is about the impositions on people, on our minds. There are a teacher and several         students in a class in this video.The teacher comes to class and says 2 + 2 = 5 and wants student to repeat this by force.All of them do this in the way the teacher wants but after a while one of the students raises his finger and speaks 2 + 2  is exactly 4 Sir.The teacher gets mad and says ' say as I do 2 + 2 = 5 ! because this is the answer and I don not want you to query anything.In spite of these impositions the student does not listen his teacher and prepares his own end.

b) This video is an Iranian short film that was watched by many all around the world. The aim of the video maker is to criticize authoritarian
education system.He believes that making someone believe your truths or compell someone for something is absolutely wrong.He thinks that in our lives all of us have different point of vievs some realities and you cannot change anything by force.Nothing will change actually even if you use your power of the position you have.Some truths are immutable.I agree with the video maker because everybody has to respect each other and count their opinions.This is  the only way for communicating.Assume that I am the most powerful person in my country and think that I am using my power only for the sake of my comfort, my truths and I want all the people to think as I do by any means. So, let's think the result, think the psychology of public and
repressed emotions, thoughts... I like the way video maker's giving the main message because the
visualization of  the video makes you think the connection between the story in the video and your own life.This video is watches by many in very different countries and a lot of important men in press, broadcasting and publication say that this video is worth standing ovation.It has become a good exemplary for doing something in terms of preventing impositions.By the way I want to say an extract of Che Guevara  In life always defend the truth, if there is not anybody who appreciates you at least you get rid of giving an account to your conscience.

Reflection task 2-a


I chosed this topic because addiction to social sites is now in a very dangerous dimension.This topic makes me think that if people continue like that, what will happen in the future.The question is really crucial.When we think the benefits of social media,It is really numerous.For instance,people take a lot of information from social medias, gain useful things, speak with their friends and make dialouges.On the other hand, they can communicate with each other and be aware of events all around the world, but when it comes to say bad effects,they are also much to say.Social media,facebook and twitter etc., is now a lifestyle for most of us.We share what we do,where we go,how we feel and our opinions etc. on facebook.As if we did not have an offline life and facebook is the only way for expressing ourselves.

By the way something which is so interesting for me  is to think a person very cool,showy according to how many photos s/he shares or how much s/he is online on the sites.Unfortunately,this forms bias against people.In another perspective,many people share something about their political opinions in a provocative way and people around him or his may have not the same idea, so this can cause problem between the individuals.Teenagers can be addicted to them and isolated themselves from the social life.When we look the statics, I have to say very sadly that people are using those sites more and more.For example, Turkey is the first in using facebook in Europian countries.On the whole,I want to say that social media ha actually lots of damages in our lives.

17 Aralık 2014 Çarşamba

Reflection task 1-b

My dear readers, today I will introduce somebody who is really talented and smart. 

Her name is Defne Naz. Although she is 19 years old, she is dancing and playing volleyball professionally.   

Moreover she had the chance of being METU student one year ago. 

To say something about her family background, her mother is housewife and her father is a worker in a factory. 

She has really limited opportunities to study but she is so hardworking that government and the school give her scholarship. She has two sisters and they are as perfect as her. She is really doing well with sports as I mentioned before because she won golden medal at last contest among the high schools in Turkey. 

 She also wants to learn badminton. I am sure that she can learn it in a very short time. She has a talent from birth because as I said, she dances but she has no qualified education behind her. All she can do is to just watch some videos about dancing. Everybody around her likes her because she is really helpful and she looks always at the bright side.

 That’s why when people are with her, they laugh a lot and feel good themselves. At last I am honored to introduce Defne to you.