28 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba

Video Task

source video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=48CvYKzYaJg



Please classify the following sentences into different kinds of sentence; declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory. 

1- Wish me luck: 
2- ı can check that for you: 
3- What is that about? :
4- Deal! :


Please classify the following sentences into different sentence types; simple, complex, compound, complex-compund

1- We will be starting with apples:
2- She is mad because today is her laundry day and that means she is wearing her old lad
3- I believe if you check Rachel's bag, you will find a half eaten box of cookies in there: 
4- Everbody snacks when they shop: 


Please write the tense type for each sentence.

1- I am not so impressed: 
2- We will start with apples:
3- We will be starting with apples:
4- We won that one: 

Answer Key

exercise 1

1- imperative
3- interrogative
4- exlamatory

exercise 2

1- simple
2- complex-compound
3- compound
4- complex

exercise 3

1- simple present
2- simple future 
3- future progressive
4- simple past

Textual Analysis


Salt May Not Affect Heart Risks

A new study suggests that dietary salt may have little or no effect on the risk for heart disease in older adults.
The study, in JAMA Internal Medicine, included 2,642 people, average age 74. Half the participants were women, 62 percent were white and 38 percent were African-American. All were free of heart disease at the start of the study, and researchers followed them for 10 years. They used dietary questionnaires to estimate sodium intake... you can read more from this adress  http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/01/26/salt-may-not-affect-heart-risks/?ref=health&_r=0
Challenging Words
adjustto change something slightly so that it works betterfits better, or is more suitable
cardiovascular: relating to the heart and blood vessels 
This text is written to show the general misunderstanding about the relationship between the salt usage and hearth diseases. The writer gives some research results to support his ideas; therefore, tone is informative and objective. He used past tenses when explaining the experiment results but sometimes he used present tense while saying general expressions (We need more prospective evidence in a clinical trial before moving in that direction for older adults). Moreover the writer used direct quotation words to give the professor's ideas. 
     I chose this text because it breaks the general mentality that so many people have, that is why I thought that it is worth to analyse.